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Local Counsel, International Access.

Law Firm Alliance is your trusted international network of mid-sized law firms.

Allied by a common goal of serving every client’s needs while retaining the values, service commitment and culture that make mid-sized firms so desirable, Law Firm Alliance members collaborate to share knowledge, experience and jurisdictional expertise that benefit their individual practices and their clients.

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Ward and Smith Welcomes New Community Associations Attorney Hunter Cornelius

Hunter joins the firm as a community association attorney, bringing a wealth of experience in navigating the complexities of homeowner association law.

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Understanding Rollover Equity

For the right transaction, a rollover of equity can add value for the buyer and the seller.

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Earn-Outs: Bridging the Valuation Gap

Do we value our possessions more just because we own them? Sometimes. Does this association of value apply to businesses? Almost always.

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