Member Firms
Douteiro Rodrigues da Silva
Website: www.drs-advogados.pt
Tel: 00351916129591
Douteiro Rodrigues da Silva, Sociedade de Advogados, RL is the result of the values, wishes and goals shared by its founding partners. The company grew over the years, increasing its team and it was this union that allowed to create an increasingly dynamic, ambitious and forward-looking Company. It is a law firm that believes in teamwork with innovation and creativity, guiding its performance by strict ethical and deontological standards.
DRS is an organization always focused on providing the best possible service to its clients, quickly and professionally. Our structure ensures a close relationship with clients, both corporate and private, public entities and professional associations. We are a Company made for people, so we prioritize proximity, as we know that only by being close to the client can we grasp their attention. Whether our clients are large corporations, entrepreneurs or investors, our work is ultimately about people, so we aim to provide proximity in every client-lawyer relationship.
We share the goals, successes and challenges of our clients, and our mission is to accompany them and help them, in each stage and aspect of their business, providing them adapted solutions, considered for each specific case tailored to the individuals and commercial realities involved, but always having as a base our vast experience of decades of exposure to complex deals and heavyweight disputes.
The proof of our success is the longevity of our clients.